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Loan Calculator
What does Rhino Finance funding look like?
Use the calculator below to help you and your lawyer estimate your case and the cost of funding.Your case’s value and lawyer fees
What is your "estimate" of the $ value of your case? (Drag the widget)
$ 150000
10000 1000000
What is the lawyer’s contingency fee %?
The cost of the loan over time
How many years is your case expected to last?
Personal injury matters take much longer than most people realize. The average case lasts 3 years, but yours could last longer.
Personal injury matters take much longer than most people realize. The average case lasts 3 years, but yours could last longer.
Enter the loan amount you think you need in $
We will add a $475 administration fee to your loan amount.
We will add a $475 administration fee to your loan amount.
How the money from your legal claim is distributed:
- Your lawyer deducts fees and expenses earned
- Any liens on your account are paid
- Rhino Finance receives its payment for its funding from your lawyer
- You receive the remainder*
- An administrative fee for processing your funding request
- A return of the amount provided to you
- A dollar amount that represents the cost of your funding (interest – 24% annually, compounded, semi-annually)
You will get a quote and invoice after submitting the form
Name Total
The value of your case: $ 150,000.00
Minus - Lawyer fees: $ 49,500.00
Minus - cost of the loan: $ 17,004.51
$ you receive after expenses: $ 83,495.48
Legal fees and the cost of the loan.*If you entrust us with your settlement lending needs, you and your lawyer will be provided with regular statements that update you on the actual cost of borrowing, over time.
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Loan Calculator.pdf